Saturday, January 25, 2014

LPS 1.2 - This is not a Sidewinder...

So...update number one. It's actually starting to look like a ship now.

While looking for detailing inspiration, I ended up looking at the modern, Elite: Dangerous version of the model's inspiration, so I threw in plating that looks like its radiators as an homage. The top of the model is still the only part that has any detail, with the bottom having only a little basic plating and the back being completely bare.

The cockpit was actually the most challenging detail so far, since it was the first time I'd tried to make such a shallow indentation using this modeling technique. Like with everything else, I had to come up a process that worked, but it was a bit more complicated than simply  putting the geometry together and setting the bevel weights. Luckily the solution was just some choice loop cuts.


I'm starting to notice some artifacts that are probably going to show up in the normal map baking, but nothing that can't be fixed by a couple seconds in photoshop, so I'm not particularly worried.

The render resolution of the model puts it at 790,816 faces, with the actual working resolution putting it at 49,426. I'd say that the model is a little under half done.

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