Thursday, January 30, 2014

LPS 1.3 - No, really!

Update number two...

I've finally started updating the bottom and the back, although it's still "functional" details rather than greeble as of yet.

The main engines are another homage to the E:D Sidewinder (of which this is most definitely not based on...that's my story and I'm sticking to it!), and are a pretty radical change from the monolithic block the area was in the beginning. I was originally going to give it round engines (and had even blocked out the required shapes a couple of times), but decided on a more "vent"-like engine as I do nothing  but round engines on everything, and it was a nice change of pace to do something different.

Additionally you can see the three landing gear on the bottom. Sadly, this is just a static detail, rather than the gear being actual physical objects; While I've done gear-as-object before, doing so in high-poly is currently outside the scope of my skills.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to let this model stew while I work on others in the mean time. Being an idiot, I decided to break one of the cardinal rules of modeling, and model without a concept, and have thus run out of ideas for this particular model; so it's going to languish while I use the knowledge gained from working on it on other projects.

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